THE CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS AND THE BIG, BAD BATTLE OF THE BIONIC BOOGER BOY Part 2: The Revenge of the Ridiculous Robo-Boogers (Book 7)

Just when they thought they were out, it pulls them back in!

Our heroes beat the Bionic Booger Boy, but they forgot about those rascally Robo-Boogers. Join George, Harold, Mr. Krupp, Melvin Sneedly, and Sulu the Bionic Hamster on an adventure that will take them into the deepest regions of outer space and back through time to the mysterious and uncharted world of the day before yesterday! It's a monster-mashin', robo-wranglin', time-travelin', brain-switchin', nose-pickin' good time!

Check out the other books in the Captain Underpants series!

Check out these fun activities!

Captain Underpants Happy Underwear Day coloring sheet
TippyTinkleTrouser's Terrifying Maze
Super Diaper Baby 2: Coloring sheet!
How to Draw Captain Underpants

Or Just Keep Exploring

Super Diaper Baby Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot